City of lux

City of Lux
Titanium has hit it...
City Bundle City Bundle

city bundle

||TLEHMdsSG ||all

madison hoops

Chloe Necklace Chloe Necklace

chloe necklace

||TLEHMlaG ||all

malia hoop earrings

||TLESMNdaG ||all

mini nadia studs

||TLHGwnOnxG ||TLHGwnOnxG

gwen hoops onyx & citrine

||all ||all

chunky perri hoop earrings

||TLEHElsG ||all

eloise hoops

||TLEHMrcrG ||all

mercer hoops


med date night hoops

||all ||all

single ocean ave huggie hoop citrine & gunmetal

||TLEFBMra3StG ||all

single mira stud flat back stud earring

||TLSNmrcG ||TLSNmrcG

single nano marcy flat back stud

||TLSNastrdG ||all

single nano astrid flat back stud

||TLSNcstrG ||TLSNcstrG

single nano castor flat back stud

||TLSNlnaG ||TLSNmrcG

single nano luna flat back stud

||TLSNPryaG ||TLSNmrcG

single nano priya flat back stud

||all ||all

single pavé coastal hoop earring gunmetal


single pavé coastal hoop earring citrine
