Have you ever hopped into the shower wearing your everyday hoops or studs and wondered, halfway through, is showering with jewelry ok? Well, we were curious about the same thing. Today we're going to answer these questions, is it safe for earrings to get wet, and what happens when they do?
As it turns out, a lot of this depends on the type of earrings you are wearing. It also depends on the type of water your earrings and jewelry come into contact with, and in what context. Let's break down what happens when earrings get wet, which jewelry is safe for water, and what earrings shouldn't get wet.
Titanium, the titan of hypoallergenic jewelry, as always comes in as the hero of the article. Titanium is an inert metal, meaning that it will not react to water (or to your body's natural chemistry). If you are wearing a pair of titanium earrings in the shower (or titanium jewelry in general), you do not have to worry about water breaking down any aspect of the metal. It is important to note, however, that in the ocean (saltwater) or in swimming pools (chlorinated), your jewelry will be coming into contact with chemicals and more corrosive elements. To be safe, we recommend taking your jewelry out for swimming.
TL:DR, Can titanium get wet? Yes, in general titanium will not react or break down in water. However, in swimming pools or in the ocean, exercise more caution as the harsher chemicals and salt water can be more corrosive.
To broaden the scope of hypoallergenic earrings and water, let's address nickel-free jewelry as a whole. Most metals that are considered hypoallergenic are going to be safe to wear in the shower as the earrings will not be fully submerged and the soaps/face washes that may be in contact with the jewelry are gentle and non-corrosive. Gold, platinum, and niobium are a few examples of metals that are generally safe to wear in the shower. The same rules go for these earrings too in terms of saltwater or chlorinated water; be aware that these types of water are harsher on jewelry.
TL;DR, Can nickel-free jewelry get wet? Pure gold, platinum, and niobium are hypoallergenic and generally safe in the shower. The same rules apply to these metals in regards to chlorine and saltwater: exercise caution as these can be corrosive to jewelry.
Earrings and jewelry that should not get wet are those containing metals that explicitly react to water. Copper, brass, and bronze are known to turn skin green if they are exposed to water. Silver is also oxidized by water, though it takes place over a longer period of time.
In summary, showering with jewelry is not recommended for unidentified metals that may contain nickel, brass, copper, or bronze. Showering with titanium jewelry or other hypoallergenic metals is generally ok. Consider taking jewelry off for swimming in the ocean or a pool as this water contains abrasive chemicals or elements.