Valentine's sale

Buy any 2 items...
||TLW01NHerrG ||all

lilou necklace

Chloe Necklace Chloe Necklace

chloe necklace

||TLNPiaG ||all

pia necklace

||TLNJshG ||all

joshua necklace

||TLNAdrnG girl wearing hypoallergenic gold toggle necklace with white opal pendant

adrian necklace

||TLNPpyG ||all

poppy necklace

||TLNDewG All Dew Necklaces||all

dew necklace

||TLNLckMG Venita Venita Earrings Betty Necklace Margaret Necklace ||all

margaret necklace

||all ||all

betty necklace

crystal gemstone and pearl pendant hypoallergenic bridal necklace ||TLNAnkG ||all

anika pendant necklace

||TLW01NLLouG ||all

large lilou necklace

sold out
||TLNTnnsG ||all

thin tennis necklace


sold out

1 2